Aiding young People (16-25) with skills, employment & education.
Supporting families, single parents and women with skills
& employment.

South East Community was established to enable young people to learn the skills and competencies they need for life. Our work aims to value and accredit all the positive achievements of young people.
We provide personal opportunities for those with inadequate qualifications to develop and build their skills, confidence, motivation and enable them to move into employment.
To make a massive difference within our communities, we are committed to helping children and young adults to fulfil their lives, by providing services such as; sport, healthy lifestyle, nutrition, art, music education and employment advice.
We work with determination to reach out to young people and provide them with varied and accessible opportunities to learn what factors meet their requirements. We remain true to our aim of giving all young people the chance to reach their potential, raise their aspirations and have their achievements recognised.